black shark


New Member
Feb 13, 2004
Reaction score
Waco, Tx
i was at my fav lfs today, getting my bicher, some feeders, and some frozen food. i look in my fav tank there (a 240-us gal with a huge clown knife, some big pacus, some big cats, and a huge pleco), and i see the biggest cat has his sides all messed up! i am like "wtf?". i then hear the owner (sue) telling the girl that works there, "call the zoo and see if they want it". i am like, "wtf?" again. i ask what's wrong with the cat? sue tells me the black shark (bs) tore him up. they had the bs for sale for, i think, $40.00 here-while-back. i ask how much you want for it? she says if the zoo doesn't want it, i'll give it to you. ok, i say. i go home and my cell phone rings in like 15 minutes. it's sue, saying, "chris, bring a bucket". so i take a 5-gallon buckert and we catch it and home he comes. i have him in my 37-us gal right now. i gave my guppies and my rainbow shark to my little bro. i guess i'll have to buy another tank now, eh. B) anyway, he is roughly 13" long right now, and seems ok so far.
Yea i love this fish, you cant keep him in the 37 gallon though thats way too small at his size, make room in the 135. The one i had was very peaceful

This should be in the cyprnid section
sorry to be mean but you shouldn't of accepted it.

you might be doing the shop a favour but fish aint thanking you. unless you can empty out for 135 or get another similiar size tank (although more like 180 gals would be better) then you should go about finding a new home.

at that size being a tank buster I wouldn't be surprised if he gets annoye and does actually break the glass.
i am lookiing for another tank right now. there is a couple in a local want ads paper fairly cheap. i can not put him in the 135. he would kill my fish that are in there. re-read my first post, they gave him to me because he tore up a catfish bigger than him, and the black shark is a very aggresssive fish. i guess i could move my fish that are in the 135 to the 37 for now, and put him in there until i get a bigger tank for him.
oh yeah, thanks for moving this, i was in the oddball section (my fav fish) and remembered i wanted to post this and clicked new topic without thinking where i was at.
Get a rubber maid stock tank, and keep him in that, plastic sides are alot stronger than glass and he can live happily, you just can't see em well.
Nice one m8 black sharks are great i have a 20in one in a 4x2x2 tank and he,s ok but could do with some more room so i will be upgrading soon just be sure not to keep him with cichlids.

Have you got any pics?

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