Black Sand?


Fish Crazy
Jan 7, 2006
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i love my sand.
i love the way black substrate brings out the colours in fisha dn shrimp
i love being cheap!

so i want a cheap black sand.
ive serch high and low and cant seem to find anything worth while.
ive looked for sand blasting sand. pool filter. garden deisgn everywhere i could think of to get black sand

hell i even thought for about a second on the idea of a tub of black paint and play sand :(

ok well i know my cheap black sand project has proberly allready cost me more than just buyign some expesive stuff online( i drove alot of differant DUMB places)
but its the princible with me i like to think ive saved money or even made it cheaper for me next time.
for instance instead of buying a 15 quid hood from ebay for a 2 foot tank. i built one that cost me around £30 and it took me 2 days. lol yes it looks good but i felt like i was saving money!
make me feel that way again.

Go on holiday to somewhere like Tenerife and fill up your suitcase with black sand from the beach :p the excess baggage charge might be quite expensive though :D

Seriously, the only way I can see you getting it cheap is to buy volcanic building sand in bulk (by the tonne) and sell what you don't need.

Also any black sand other than proper aquarium stuff is likely to be sharp and scratch up your tank. I would just pay £25 for 25kg and get it from your LFS.
you can get it from , Its called "Caribbsea Tahitan Black Moonsand"

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