black ruby barbs


Nov 25, 2004
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one of my male black ruby barbs went into full breeding colours yesterday, hes been fairly dark with a slightly red head for a while but yesterday his body went almost completely black and his head a really dark purpley-red. it looked awesome! He was also relentlessly pursuing another black ruby that i had assumed to be another male due to it also having similar colouration - guess i got that one wrong!!
Seems to be back to a much paler colouration today though, anybody else keep black rubies? how long do they generally stay coloured up for?
As the mood takes them! You often see the colouration best when you keep males together, they colour up and do the "spiral dance" spinning around each other while moving up and down the water column. Often better colours then when breeding.

They are a very undervalued fish. In the right conditions, they can be spectacular. In a crowded stressful dealers tank, they look pretty drab.
update - i've had to take the fish that was being pursued out of the main tank into a quarrantine tank now, the fish that was in breeding colors has nipped the other ones caudal fin to shreds during the day yesterday. I'm treating with melafix and hes in on his own so hopefully he will be ok, but its made a real mess of the fin.

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