Black Ruby Barb Colour

Luke SWA

New Member
Sep 16, 2011
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I have 5 black ruby barbs and when do they change colour with age? I know they change colour when they breed ? But how long does it take
I have a video on youtube search luke19695 you cant really see the fish just the tank i feed them well but only 2 have a bit of ruby on their face and their body has black stripes and a silvery yellowish body
Probably between nine months and a year. Do remember thst it's only the males that change colour; the females stay silvery with the black stripes.
As has already been said, the males (only) change colour when they are sexually mature. It is great to see them dancing around the tank together in spirals. I have got a large shoal of them and to be honest, the males and females look like different species of Barbs. I love the contrast between the two though. I am going to try breeding them soon, as got at least 8 deep black and maroon coloured males and a few largish females.
Thanks guys ive been feeding them freeze dried brine shrimp and 1 barb just goes a deep maroon and his fins all black and his body slightly going black it looks nice

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