Black Rubber Eels?


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Jun 23, 2007
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Bury, UK
Does anyone keep these or know anything about keeping them? My LFS has got a tank full. They look fantastic but I want to know more, preferably from personal experience, before I go ahead and get some.

I keep them. They are very easy to keep, eat earthworms, bloodworm etc.. and usually wont bother Fish. Despite their name they arent Fish, they are Amphibians.
As already stated, they are actually an amphibian. They're essentially blind, their eyes only distinguish between light and dark. They do breathe air, though not particularly often, so don't be surprised if you rarely see them. I had a pair many years ago, only saw them w at feeding time for the most part. They are quite adept at finding any hole in the cover, so make sure the tank is well-closed to keep them in it.
Here's a good link for info:,...ian%20Worms.htm
I keep them too. I have a adult pair in a 55gal with rummy nosed tetras and boeseami rainbows. I agree with kevin_D that they don't bother fish and are easy to keep. Make sure you have a tight fitting lid, on your tank with no gaps or holes. They are amazing escape artists. is the only forum I know of that is focused on them and is a great place to get info. I see mine very often. They seem to be more active during the day than at night. They will swim around the tank for an hour straight sometimes. The only downside is that they are quite messy and eat alot. Also I suggest if you keep them with fish, that you get a spare tank for them in case you have to medicate the fish that they are with. They are resistant to most of the diseases that fish get, but not much is know about how they will react to medications. I was able to snap my 1st good picture of my male today. so I though I would share it :D .
That's a cool picture

for some reason it made me laugh :lol: :D

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