Black Residue On Goldie?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
Camas, Washington
My goldfish's fins have been clamping up within the last few days, and now has produced this black residue type substance on his head. He's in a 20 gallon tank, I'm bringing in water later on today to figure out the levels etc. any help is greatly appreciated. I should note, yes he is in 75 degree water, but that's pretty much room temp, with a tiny bit of heater to keep the temp stable since my tank is by a window. His tank mates are two dwarf gouramis and a chinese algae eater. My tank has been up for two months.
I've had fish with this problem at work
we treated with acriflavin (NT labs) at the dose of 1ml per 30ltr
for 5 consecutive days. all of them were cured.


edit I just noticed that you are in the USA
acriflavin is an anti-bacterial, but a very strong one.
I'm not sure it is available over there;
get the strongest that you can.
Something like tetracycline, but it will wipe the bacterial colony out a far bit, so it would be better if you could issolate the fish for treatment.

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