Black Rasbora Hetro...


New Member
Sep 5, 2003
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Here's a pic of my black Rasbora. This is mainly for the person who wasn't sure if that is what they had or not. This is one of mine sold as a "Special" Harliquin Rasbora from Florida. :D I got positive ID from someone on another board. They are very beautiful fish and sometimes a picture doesn't do them justice. ~Nancy~


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Thanks, Nancy! That's definitely the fish I have now. They're still hanging out in the quarantine tank, but soon they'll find their way to their new home.

What do you have yours in with?

Any unusual/unexpected/interesting behavior that you've noticed?

jumpman, no they're not dyed, just a color morph of the standard "red" harlequin.
Just asking....

and in that case the colouring of this fish is very striking! :thumbs:
Glad to be of help Hamlet!! They are very beautiful fish! That are not dyed. I would never by a dyed fish. :blink: Poor little guys. I can't imagine how or why they do that to fish. Anyhow... I have mine in with my community tank. Which consists of 1 medium size black Angel, 4 platies, few small guppies, 3 cories, 2 small plecos and 3 remaining neons. (Angel snacks?) The Rasbora's seem very active and I've never seen any nippy behavior ect... They have been very healthy!(I've had them for several months now) They love frozen bloodworms too!I just wish I had a bigger group of them. I only have five and my lfs has never gotten anymore in. Good luck with them, I'm sure you will really enjoy them! ~Nancy~

30 gallon tank by the way. ;)

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