Black Piranha


New Member
Dec 26, 2006
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im not new to the forum but my old account wont let me sign in

anyways, i picked up a black piranha for 20$ retailed at 100$

and i was wondering if it would be fine alone in a 40gallon? or will i need to pick up a 65 or 75gallon
well not sure how big they get

but it going to be all by its self it should be ok

i have a red bellied piranha in a 30 gallon for 5 years hes doing fine

yea i knoe now r b should be in a schoool but -- fish store didn't say ####

but the fish store had a rb pirahna IN A 30 GAL FOR 22 YEARS but he died by then he lost all his teeth
he looks really good

he was trapped in a 10gallon at the store

ill post some pics when i take some :)
What is the scientific name for the "black piranha" you have?

If you mean S. rhombeus then a healthy one can get to 20" and need at least a 135g in time.

How big is he now? They're VERY slow growers after 6" tho so a 75 would be fine for quite a while. They are solitary fish. Don't ever add anything to the tank that you want to live. There are no exceptions to this rule. They aren't like rbp's where sometimes for a few days or weeks something can live with them. Probably the only piranha nastier than a rhom is an elongatus.

A little off topic but was mentioned above, a red belly in a 30g for life is cruel.

If only a 30g is available then get a sanchezi for it.
rhoms are my favourite piranha they are a very impressive fish when they are fully grown :nod: but they do get huge and aggresive which is all part of their charm for me
You'll probably need a tank within the 5-6' range and about 2ft wide. Think of it as housing a large tetra, what sort of tank would a 20" tetra need?

As said, sanchezi are great piranhas. I have never kept one, but i hear they are basically just like a miniture version of the large black rhom.
One day i hope to get a sanchezi... or an elong...
You'll probably need a tank within the 5-6' range and about 2ft wide. Think of it as housing a large tetra, what sort of tank would a 20" tetra need?

As said, sanchezi are great piranhas. I have never kept one, but i hear they are basically just like a miniture version of the large black rhom.
One day i hope to get a sanchezi... or an elong...

elong's are awesome!!! I've had a couple and they had such great personalities. They were both finger chasers and would stalk anyone who would walk by the tank. They would also bang the glass from time to time to get at us and especially my dog. He hated my dog with a passion!

You just have to be really careful when cleaning their tank because it's their territory and they know it, they aren't afraid of you. Like full grown Red bellies, they can take your hand off with one bite.

Awesome and great fish!
yes he is a S. rhombeus and after research i find that he will need a much larger tank :)

he is a very beautiful fish and i know that he will/should not have tank mates at all

i have selected a various diet for my fish only giving him a guppy every now and then *which he would never eat infront of me, or any other food*

but when i turn the lights on in the morning all of his foods are gone

right now he is about 5" and has lots of room in the 40 long but soon enough i will go straight to a 100gallon+

thank you to everyone that posted :)
here are the pictures of my wonderful new fishy :)



they are not the best quality and there are some water stains on the front i need to windex off but other than that he looks good right?

thanks for looking :)
Nice!!! You have a beautiful fish.

He'll eat in front of you just give him time to settle in.

How long have you had him? What foods are you feeding him?

That's making me rethink getting an elong now and think about getting a rhom. :drool:
pictures really dont do him justice

ive fed him a few things

2 guppies, shrimp, and big piece of krill, im trying to find some raw fish to feed him but my supermarket doesnt have a variety of fish

EDIT: as you can see i used black gravel to try and bring out his nice silver
Yea, I like that black gravel. Really looks good.

There are many things you can feed him. Tilapia, catfish fillets, prawns, squid, octopus, shrimp, krill, mussel, Hikari Gold pellets for color enhancing, nightcrawlers, crab etc. Does your store have any of this?

Rhoms and elongs are notorious for not wanting anything but live foods sometimes so try as much a variety as possible.

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