The Black Phantoms are settling in. They hid behind decorations mostly until today. When they first saw the pleco they swam nose down and the male flared - it was hilarious!
Now they follow the pleco around on its forays. It is nice to see them settling down. The male needs only himself to cause flaring - he looks at his reflection in the glass. Silly tetra.
Unfortunately, I think one or 2 brought home a possible bacterial infection. One was gulping and not swimming right as soon as she got in the tank. She can go up and down in the tank, but bumps into stuff once in awhile. I thought swim bladder at first, but that she can go up and down in the tank I don't know.
She is still gulping and not eating, but not on her deathbed. I saw another one start the gulping today, that is what makes me think its infectious. I got them both out and gave them a salt bath (1/8 tsp of aquarium salt in a coffee cup full of regular tank water) for 10 minutes. They didn't seem stressed by it, in fact more relaxed. I put them together in there hoping it would make them happier having a buddy getting treated at the same time.
I hope they come out of it. I don't want to treat the whole 55g with antibiotics, especially not knowing for sure what is wrong and there being a pleco and so far healthy other fish in there.
A guy at the LFS was a real jerk, giving me about 15 seconds on the phone and offering no advice, just one word answers. I pay more for fish there just for the after sale help. The other guys there have been helpful, but if I get that again, I'll go elsewhere. Petco has a 2-week guarantee on their fish, this place 24 hours. If I'm not getting any service, plus sick fish anyway, might as well pay less and have a longer guarantee. Fish I've bought there before have been fine.