Black Phantom Tetras


Fish Herder
Sep 21, 2004
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I know tetras are schooling fish and I need more. I currently have 2 Female Black Phantom Tetras and they just seem to hide on one side of the tank all the time. I'm hoping it is just adjustment to the tank, but maybe it isn't.

If someone could give me some insight it would be greatly appreciated.

Hi i have owned a black phantom tetra, just to tell you when i bought mine it lived about 3 years and it was the only one of its kind in my 29 gallon. It took a few days but it eventually got brave and was probably always one of the first to get to the food. Of course i had other small fish in the tank. Even without other tankmates you will find that eventually they will come out. If you dont want to keep a group of six, i suggest you add at least one more, 2 is bad number with small fish unless they are a pair and even then it can be bad might find one bullying the other. Get at least one more though some people will say 6 its not necessary unless you want fry.
Mine have always been active and friendly. It is natural for them to take a few days to adjust. More fish does encourage them to come out more and feel safer. It may not be absolutely necessary to add more but the fish will be happier for it and much more entertaining to watch. Black phantom males will 'display' to one another and only two will not give you a chance to see this behaviour which is most impressive when there are females present (which have some red BTW) and when there are several males to show off to. They are very beautiful and entertaining fish and deffinately worth keeping in a large group.
Well, I am going to Petco next Thursday to buy 10 more. Hopefully these two will come out of hiding before then.

I know, the big bad word "Petco", but how can you beat $0.99 each for Healthy Black Phantom Tetras with an aquarium department manager that knows what he is talking about?
I think it's ok to buy fish from anywhere provided they are happy and healthy. Even if the people there know nothing about fish, if they are caring for them well and they are in good condition and you have done your own research, you may as well buy the fish. If you don't someone with no knowledge will - and the people at the shop won't be able to give good advice and the end result will be dead fish :(
I have a male and a female, and sometimes they stay together, but alot of the time they're apart. I really want them to "hook up", but it doesn't appear to be happening. Maybe i should get some more, but i want a bigger tank first.
Black phantoms won't pair up if that's what you mean... you need several males and females to get them to spawn.

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