Black Phantom Tetra Behaviour


Fish Crazy
Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
Dundee, Scotland
Hi, I have a 70 litre Juwel rekord tank currently stocked with 5 black Phantom tetras(2 female and 3 male), 6 cherry barbs and 2 ottos.
Recently couple of the tetras have been picking on one of the male tetras and it seems to stay at one side of the tank and not moving much apart from feeding time. They also pick on the females and they also stick to their own side of the tank. My tank is about 3 months old now? Any sugeestions on how I can improve things please??
They do 'display' alot to each other but not to that extent. When you say pick, are they doing damage ? or are they just displaying to each other (King of go on their sides and show all their fins and go a very dark colour ?
One especially chases the other male away every time it comes near him. Also nips at fins.
When I first got them the used to display to each other showing sides etc but now its all chasing the poor male especially looks pretty sad. It sometime goes right to the corner and the tail is up and its head facing downwards.
I would add a couple more females if possible.

This will spread out the interest in the females, so the same ones won't be picked on all the time. This may also help your male.
I would add a couple more females if possible.

This will spread out the interest in the females, so the same ones won't be picked on all the time. This may also help your male.
Thanks I may try that or even add another male, but I dont want to overstock my tank though.

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