Black Patches On My Fish


Fish Fanatic
Mar 10, 2009
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i added 2 bp cichlids about 9 days ago and have noticed today that one of them has now got black patches all over his body and fins
he is acting normally and feeding fine doesnt seem to be in any discomfort

my levels are all fine so its not that.
the only other things i have done is add 3 live plants (ive never had live plants in there before)
i added activated carbon to one of my filters and i added 10 neons yesterday

any ideas what this could be because i cant find anythin that fits the discription anywhere on the net
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Black Patches
Info taken from here.


Black patches, smudges, smears, spots or markings that suddenly appear and are not natural colorings.


These markings are the result of skin cell damage. Black markings often appear in areas where the skin has been damaged by ammonia burns, bacterial infections, parasitic infestations, and injuries. These markings are often seen on fish just after a new tank has completed “cycling,” due to the high ammonia levels. These marks are also common in African Cichlids, especially around the mouth. These are scabs that have come from digging in the gravel or from fighting.


No treatment is necessary. Much like scabs, the blackened areas are a sign that the healing process has already begun. Keep water in top condition and the areas will gradually fade in less than a couple of weeks.
what is a bp cichlid? is it a blood parrot? if so your neons won't last long, they will get eaten.

when did you do your last water change and how much water did you change?
do you use a dechlorinating agent/ water conditioner in the new water you add to the tank?
do you make the new water up (with dechlorinator) before you add the water to the tank?

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