Black Neon Tetras

Keyhole Cichlid

New Member
Feb 1, 2011
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Can anyone help new to keeping fish ive got 5 black neon and one is head pointing downwards and mouth moving alot and only wants to stay in tight in the conrner of the tank by the heater................... is this something they do :/
Can anyone help new to keeping fish ive got 5 black neon and one is head pointing downwards and mouth moving alot and only wants to stay in tight in the conrner of the tank by the heater................... is this something they do :/
They only do that when they are in distress. It probably won't live for much longer. Check your water stats for ammonia. Also, are you in the "safe zone" for temperature?
Hello and welcome to the forum,
Like the other members have mentioned:
How long has the tank been setup?
Do you own a test kit?
What are your water stats(ammonia,nitrIte,nitrAte&pH)?
Have you cycled your filter?
size of tank?
Tank occupants?
tank temp?
what chemicals do you use(e.g dechlorinater)?

If you have not cycled your filter i would recommend performing a large water change/gravel vac, at least 75% of your tanks water volume in order to lower the levels of toxins(ammonia/nitrIte)in your tanks water.
The more information you provide the better the chances are one of the members will be able to identify whats going on. You have come to the right place in regards to recieving expert friendly advice.

Keep us all posted, Keith.
Hello and welcome to the forum,
Like the other members have mentioned:
How long has the tank been setup?
Do you own a test kit?
What are your water stats(ammonia,nitrIte,nitrAte&pH)?
Have you cycled your filter?
size of tank?
Tank occupants?
tank temp?
what chemicals do you use(e.g dechlorinater)?

If you have not cycled your filter i would recommend performing a large water change/gravel vac, at least 75% of your tanks water volume in order to lower the levels of toxins(ammonia/nitrIte)in your tanks water.
The more information you provide the better the chances are one of the members will be able to identify whats going on. You have come to the right place in regards to recieving expert friendly advice.

Keep us all posted, Keith.
Hi thanks for getting back to me
My Tank is about 11 ltrs only small set the tank up 6 days before i got any fish cleaned the gravel out cold water had the air stone and fillter running since day one
when i went to the pet shop at first got given API Stress Coat for removing chlorine and choramines and Stress Zyme containing live bacteria ( thats what is sez on the bottle )i put in the right amount on day one and also when i had to take some water out to make room for the water that came with the fish.

i have to keyholes (my favs hence the name) but one was bulling the other one so shop said i could swap tthe two i have now are ok but had to take more water out to make room for the water that came with the new keyhole but did not add any more of the stress liquids would this make any differnce.

just got in from work and he seems a bit better coming out into the tank more

i have not yet got a test kit when i do i'll be back for help in using it im sure

Thanks agian
read up on tank cycling, there's plenty of information in here about it.

in short, 6 days is nowhere near long enough. fish produce ammonia and this poisons them if nothing takes it away. bacteria will grow that turn ammonia into nitrite, but this is also poisonous. other bacteria will grow that turn nitrite into nitrate, and this is much less harmful. stress zyme might help the process along but not in 6 days.

my tank took over a month to cycle, and for that month i had to do frequent water changes - bordering on every 2nd day doing a 40% change. in an 11ltr tank you will struggle, you should really only start with 1 or 2 fish for a fish-in cycle or do a fishless cycle.

if you do a 50% change every 2 days (with temperature match and religious dechlorination!) then you might get through it without losing more fish. black neons were my first pick too, sorry to say they didn't survive as my understanding of cycling wasn't that great.

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