Black Neon Tetras.


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2005
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Ok so I bought 3 black neon tetras, and 3 neon tetras and im realizing more and more how much the black neon tetras should be renamed as black cardinal tetras. They grew larger than the neon tetras, have stripes resembling cardinals, and their behavior is just more similiar to cardinals. Has anyone else noticed this?
Ok so I bought 3 black neon tetras, and 3 neon tetras and im realizing more and more how much the black neon tetras should be renamed as black cardinal tetras. They grew larger than the neon tetras, have stripes resembling cardinals, and their behavior is just more similiar to cardinals. Has anyone else noticed this?

They are not actually that closely related to either; both neons and cardinals belong to the genus paracheirodon, black neons are sorted with the hyphessobrycon (like phantoms, bleeding hearts, serpas etc).
Common names are pretty hopeless, vary from place to place and are frequently made up on the spot.
In Sweden, I noticed during my recent holiday, they are known simply as black stripe tetra, no mention of the neon. Is it the same in Denmark?
In Denmark, they are called "Sort Neon" - Black Neon. To me, a Black Stripe Tetra or Black Line Tetra is Hyphessobrycon scholzei.

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