Black Neon Tetras


Fish Fanatic
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United States
Just got some black neons from my Aunt and I hear they are pretty easy to breed. I searched the site but didn't find anything on it though. So I was wondering if i could get some info on breeding them. :S
They breed pretty much like normal Neons do, including eating the eggs once they lay them. It's not hard to breed them, it's just sometimes hard to keep the eggs from being eaten. :p
"They breed pretty much like normal Neons do, including eating the eggs once they lay them. It's not hard to breed them, it's just sometimes hard to keep the eggs from being eaten."

Teelie is right.. best way to prevent losing the eggs is to remove them as soon as you notice any: the other option is to use marbles as a substrate and hope some eggs falls through.
Never bred normal neons, so can you help me out a little more also would you consider breeding them easy, cuz the only thing i've ever bred in platys and mollies.
This is a general guideline, though they tend to just do it on their own.

Neon’s are quite difficult to breed for some, but spawn routinely for others. The "secret" is to have soft, slightly acidic water and a compatible pair of fish. They should be placed in a small breeding tank with a water hyaninth or something similar. The male should be right and active and the female should be quite plump. The fish will spawn in the plants and then attempt to eat the eggs. The eggs must be kept in darkness. After the fry develop eyes, they can be gradually exposed to light.

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