Black Neon Tetras And The Red Dot Above Their Eye

Aqua Andy

Fish Crazy
Aug 1, 2005
Reaction score
Colchester, Essex, UK
Hi all,

I have recently upgraded my tank from 10 to 32 US gallons, and have increased the size of my Black Neon Tetra shoal from 5 to 10. In my original tank, the black and neon colour on my fish was always apparent, and they seemed quite happy. Since I've moved them to the larger tank and increased the shoal size, I've noticed that the red dot they should have above the eye has returned. I only remembered that they should have one when I went to my LFS to get the new recruits, the fish in the LFS looked alot more striking, and I remembered why I chose them in favour of Neons in the first place.

Does anyone know why that colouration reappeared? Increase in shoal size? More space? My water stats were perfect before so I know that that isn't the answer. Has this happened to anyone else's Black Neon Tetras? That red dot really makes a difference for me.

Andy :)
speculation here but oh well

Could be a combination of the larger sized tank and bigger group makes them more comfortable. SInce generally it holds that the more comfortable the fish, the better the coloration.

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