One of my six black neon tetras has something going on and I'm not sure what it is. I've checked several websites with great photos but cannot find a picture that matches.
At first it looked like he got too close to the filter intake -- several vertical areas on his side that looked like the outer skin was gone. This was a month ago. Now he has one solid looking patch on his side and it's starting to move over his back onto the other side. It's flat and pale colored (whitish/light pinkish -- like what a fish looks like under his skin..) It is not white or fuzzy or raised - does not look like cotton or wool, nor is it bleeding.
He eats well and swims well and is still growing. The water conditions are great (0 Am, 0 Nitrite and 5-10 Nitrate) and I keep the water very clean -- gravel vac once a week and partial water changes twice per week.
The other 5 black neons look fine.
What could this be?
Here's a pic:
At first it looked like he got too close to the filter intake -- several vertical areas on his side that looked like the outer skin was gone. This was a month ago. Now he has one solid looking patch on his side and it's starting to move over his back onto the other side. It's flat and pale colored (whitish/light pinkish -- like what a fish looks like under his skin..) It is not white or fuzzy or raised - does not look like cotton or wool, nor is it bleeding.
He eats well and swims well and is still growing. The water conditions are great (0 Am, 0 Nitrite and 5-10 Nitrate) and I keep the water very clean -- gravel vac once a week and partial water changes twice per week.
The other 5 black neons look fine.
What could this be?
Here's a pic: