Black neon dropsy?


New Member
Apr 1, 2004
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I have an established baby tank (10 gallon)...all started with 4 white clouds in an AquaBaby as a gift. It's been going since 1998 with various inhabitants that bring me a great deal of joy. Currently, I have a black neon with what appears to be dropsy...he looks like he's about to explode. Never had this problem before now with the white clouds, phantom & moonglow tetras. Don't want to lose him if there's something I can do. Thanks in advance.
does it scales look like a pinecone??? If so I wish you the best of luck I tried putting one down because of this stuff and the fish just wouldnt not die so I took it to the vet. She give me something and it seems to getting better. I will call her in the mornig and try to find out what it is she gave it.
i have the same problem - i posted a while ago about our fat neons(bellies that look like theyre going to burst) & posted a pic too most responses thought it was dropsy even though the neons scales arent sticking out like a pine cone. anyway we have treated them twice now with interpets anti-internal bacteria med & theyre still the same & we dont know what to do next. they dont seem to be in any distress, swimming/eating as normal but i wouldnt like to leave them if they are suffering in ANY way. has anyone got any ideas??? any other treatments to try?? should i try finding a vet?? might be hard. i dont really want to take the neons in a bag on the tube/bus to a vets, that would probably be enough to finish them off.

sorry for 'taking over' your post desgraziato but it sounds like we have the same problem & maybe someone can help both of us :)

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