Black Moore Fish - Help!


New Member
Feb 22, 2007
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This Room, Of My House
Hi All,
My Black Moore fish called Jet, has a big problem at the moment, over the past couple of days it has developed a white circle in the middle of the eye, which I think is blind now.. And also it has a huge bubble attatched to half its eye. I have a picture here:

I am very worried as this has never happened before. Is there any way I can sort it?

I also need a bit of advice, My last fish which was a blue oranda died of a bloated swim bladder, Me and my dad tried using a new formula with salt which had special ingredients in it, which failed to work.. We used a water cleaning fluid too which worked before, but failed to the second time. I was wondering if anyone else had, had this problem and if they sorted it, How?

to help you more we need to know certain things.

what size tank in he in? (lxwxh or volume)
what other tankmates are there?
have you recently added anything, like plants or other fish etc?
what are your water parameters, this should include
ammonia, NO2, NO3, temp and in your case O2 levels.

I mention O2 level as I'm thinking gas bubble disease
which is often attributed to high levels of disolved O2

BTW your black moor is not a black moor
it is a telescope-eye goldfish.
what size tank in he in? (lxwxh or volume) I dont know the tank size, Probably about 30-40L

what other tankmates are there? My other fish Echo died about a month ago

have you recently added anything, like plants or other fish etc? No more fish, and we took the plant out ages ago

ammonia, NO2, NO3, temp and in your case O2 levels.
The temp of the water is cold to slightly warm, and I dont know anything else.. I shall find out ASAP

My mum and auntie thinks my fish is lonely or stressed because of my other fish dying..
I think it could have poisoned the water because I have to admit, neither me or my mum has cleaned out the tank since Echo died..
So ill have to do that today
it is too much to ask that you answer the questions?
Is the circle in the eye cloudy looking at all? Does the tank have filtration and how often do you do water changes and how much do you take out on average? Do you use dechlorinator/water conditioner at all?
The more detailed info you give us and questions you answer, the better we can ID exactly what your goldfish has, and also offer sound advice so you can prevent this happening in the future :nod: .
lack of basic care is the reason for your sick fish.
goldies need a large tank with plenty of filtration and regular weekly or more water changes depending on size of tank.
you need around 15 gallons just for one fish.
Start by doing 50% water changes each day for a week and get a gravel vac. clean the filter out in used tank water, never tap. get test kits for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph.
with better water quality you should hopefully see an improvement in the general well being of your fish.

if you need more info then please ask.
I actually have some good and bad news.
Jet still has a catteract in his eye, but since cleaning out the fish tank, the lump has gone down a huge amount, and now is about the size of a pea.

Thanks for your advice black_angel, we do have a special vac to clean out the gravel and dirty water, And we clean the filter thorougly.
We clean out the tank at least once a week.
I actually have some good and bad news.
Jet still has a catteract in his eye, but since cleaning out the fish tank, the lump has gone down a huge amount, and now is about the size of a pea.

Thanks for your advice black_angel, we do have a special vac to clean out the gravel and dirty water, And we clean the filter thorougly.
We clean out the tank at least once a week.

There is a condition called Cloudy Eye which it could also be though. Are you using dechlorinator/water condition in your water changes and how much are you taking out on average and how often are you doing these things on average too? Do you wash out the filter in plain tap water?
We wash out the filter from our filtered water tap, and we take out just enough water so they are still in the water, but only their top fin sticks out the top
We wash out the filter from our filtered water tap, and we take out just enough water so they are still in the water, but only their top fin sticks out the top

Washing out the filter in plain tap water is bad as the chlorine in the tap water kills off the benneficial bacteria residing in the filter, causing the tank to cycle everytime you do this which is stressful for the fish. You are also probably taking out also too much water when you do the water changes- a 40 to 50% water change with dechlorinator once a week is good for a goldfish tank. You should only wash the filter out in old water from water changes- to learn more about the benneficial bacteria in your filter and how the water quality in tanks works (ammonia-nitrites-nitrates) and more, see this article (which i highly recommend reading);

If you follow the advise of the writings in the link above, your fish will be much healthier in the long term in general and are less likely to fall to illness and will also live longer healthier lives too :nod: :good: .

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