Black Moor Trouble


Fish Fanatic
Dec 8, 2006
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My Black moor has been off colour since i got him not swimming around and just sitting on the bottom of the tank. the other fish is absolutly fine and swims around at top spped. decided to move him to my quaritine tank today and added some medicine and he has perked up just minutes after puting him in it swimming around and hunting for food. could it be the other goldfish that is making him miserable or maybe the current in the water from the filter.
need advise because surely medicine doesn't work quite so fast.!!!
P.s the other fish is a chinese goldy that was in with him!
What kind of chinese goldie? Theres lots of them out there.
If he was in a small tank then he may have felt too scared to move much or the other fish annoys him. If the filter is fast then that wont help either so theres a lot of reasons why he may be acting like this.
What size are both tanks?
quaritine tank is only 8litres while other is about 150litres. (dont know gallon sizes)
all i know is the other is just a fancy chinese goldfish that was all he was sold as in the shop.
there are lots of little hidy holes i have created for them so not sure if he was scared of the other fish as he just sat in the corner not hiding
the filter is quite fast i suppose its on the slowest setting i have but the other fish has no trouble with the current.
he has become really active in the quaritine tank so dont know if it would be best to keep them seperated however the tank is too small at 8litres and have no room for another tank.
if the other fish is the problem any suggestions of what to do with them??
33 gallons is a good size for both the fish so maybe the current is too much for the black moor.
Turn it off for half an hour and see if he swims then. Also check that the parameters are the same for both tanks.
What temperature as well are both tanks?
not sure about temperatures in the tank not got round to setting up my heater.
used water out of the normal tank to go into the quaritine tank so not to shock his poor little system any more. tested both tanks and all parameters are fine and the same in each.
from touch both tanks are at the same temperature.

it must be something to do with the other fish or the filter i will try turning it so the current just ripples at the top slighlty and see how he reacts.
if it is the other fish not sure what to do as cant keep them seperately!!!
just put him back in his normal tank with the filter turned to the surface of the water so its just a ripple and he is swimming around like a fish possesed much happier. :fun:
he must just of been abit small to cope with the current as he's only a little fella!! :blush:
thanks for your help hopefully he will stay perky. :fish:
Its great he is moving around more now :good:

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