Black Moor Problems


Apr 10, 2005
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Ontario, Canada
My black moor seems to be infected with some sort of parasite, but I have not been able to diagnose the problem and therefore have been treating it with melafix and pimafix only.

The entire bottom of the moor has turned white.
No, its not fungus or slime.
The scales have actually turned color, from black to white.

It's also swimming in an awkward way, almost like swimbladder.

Any idea's?

Water params are fine, the other goldies are fine, (atm) and I havent added or removed anything lately either.
The white belly could just be a normal color change, I have a black moor that is now all orange. If he has SBD then try giving him a deshelled pea
Sounds like a colour change to me as well.
If you could give an idea as to what the tests are then that would help,size of tank, any new additions.
A pic would be really good as well. If the fish is wobbly in the water check your nitrates arent to high then starve for a few days and feed cooked peas.
If there was a parasite you would see something hanging off or if the parasite was small then the fish would be swimming erratically and scraping itself.

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