Black Molly Worries


New Member
Dec 27, 2009
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Hi guys! im kinda new here and i have a pair of black molly's. the other day they were active and eating basically the usual. but now the female is swimming slower and stayng by the heater away from the other fish. I think she might be pregnant or may be becoming pregnant, i inspected them and they dont have any wierd spots such as ich. Does anyone know whats going on?

UPDATE: nvm thanks hughe! i was worried but now its all better! a mod can lock this now :)
ok here are two good pictures i could get. She looks alot larger compared to teh male

UPDATE: she has been moving a little bit more, i just fed them so its good to see her eat, but not as much though she didnt eat alot. the male is following her and kinda picking at her. i agree she might be expecting
Welcome to the forum Sinjin.
She is not heavily pregnant and will be unlikely to drop fry in the next 2 weeks. If she is the only female, she may be getting more breeding pressure than she wants and be hiding somewhat for that reason.
Thanks Guys! I was really confused, and worried. well i guess i gotta get another holding tank, err no money lol

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