Black Molly losing color and looking paralysed..


you don't know JACK FISH
Oct 30, 2004
Reaction score
Montreal, Quebec
His front part looks normal but his whole tail looks paralysed and it seems to be losing color. He was very dark black but now it looks gray.

He eats like my other guppies and ios excited when I drop food in the tank but he just doesn't swim like the other fish. He will never use his tail to swim.

Note this molly is in a cycling tank which seems pretty much near cycled now.

I'm afraid he'll die soon because of that, I already lost the female I had gotten with him 2 weeks ago :(
Did he damaged his tail on something in the tank.
Doesn't seem like it

it started out as little spots scattered on his body but now his whole body is covered from the dorsal fin to the tail. Also his tail is a crippled up, not expanding at all
Do the little white spots look like the fish has been sprinkled with salt.
They aren't white spots
it's like one big spot that covers everything

but now this evening I see his front part is covered by what seem to be little sprinkles of salt, yes

they are like fungus attached to the skin, i can see it makes a little white lump. He has maybe 10 scattered over his front part of the body

The female I got with him about 3 weeks ago died after a few days but this one seemed good until a few days ago...
You will need an ich treatment, turn temp up and add salt if the fish you keep can tolerate it.
I turned up temp to 81 yesterday

Anyway, I came home from work to find my molly dead :-(

I'll wait before I get anything else. My girlfriend is getting a new tank soon and is interested in taking my guppies so I'll probably give them away.

When my tank is cycled, I plan on getting 1 gourami, maybe 2 panda cories and something else...

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