Black Molly Is Mysteriously Ill


Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
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New Hampshire, USA
:( I need help with my little black molly so here's the problem. I have a 29 gallon tank with a little molly who is always laying on the bottom of the tank and refuses to eat. I seperated her and tried to feed her in another container, but she still didn't touch any of the food I gave her. She's been in this condition for about a week and I'm afraid she's going to starve herself. I'm feeding all of my fish frozen food after being told that it's much healthier for them and giving them it three times a week. The ammonia, nitrite and pH is all perfect and I can't think of anything else that could have led to her illness. I examined her body, but nothing seems unuasual or strange. I don't know what else to do with her!
Is she perhaps pregnant and almost ready to have babies? Sometimes they will do that when they are about ready to deliver.
Its either pregnacy or stress possible (are their fins clamped?) either way follow my sig to diseases and see if any symptoms match.

Good Luck ;)
:/ She isn't pregnant because she's a little thin and she hasn't been fat since I got her. Her fins are out, but they hardly move. Her gills are moving a little, but she seems to be breathing hard. She doesn't move off of the bottom but if I disturb her, she only swims to another place and lays there. All the other fish aren't picking at her, but I'll keep a close watch if they start nipping her. Thanks for answering my question. I'll keep you updated on her progress.
:( Sadly, my little molly died. I still have to clue of why she passed away. I read mollies need salt in the water, so I add it in every week when I do the water change. Can you think of any other reasons that might have caused her to die. I miss her a little, but I know she's in fishy heaven with my other fish companions that died. :-(
has there been any changes in the tank?

changes in pH/temp/ammonia/nitrites/nitrates/tankmates or anything???

sorry about your molly :-(
Also did you examine her body for any marks or spots (Could be a disease related death)
:/ The pH went up a little bit, but I managed to correct it. Besides the pH, everything else was fine. My tankmates include guppies, mollies and tetras, so I don't think they could have harmed her. I examined her body many times, but I found no signs of disease or any marks. She was a little thin though. Is it possible she could have starved herself?
Sasha said:
:/ The pH went up a little bit, but I managed to correct it. Besides the pH, everything else was fine. My tankmates include guppies, mollies and tetras, so I don't think they could have harmed her. I examined her body many times, but I found no signs of disease or any marks. She was a little thin though. Is it possible she could have starved herself?
most likely it had an internal bacterial infection, and this may have caused loss of apitite, the main thing now to worry about is the remaining fish, I personally would do a couple of extra water changes this week, and also add a little aquarium salt (1 tablespoon per 5 gallons) also keep a close eye on them B)
:D Thank you for the advice. I guess it was a internal bacterial infection. I'll keep a close watch on my other fish and do a few water changes. So far, all my other fish are doing great!

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