Black Molly died within hours


New Member
Sep 15, 2024
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Albuquerque, NM 87101, USA
I just put in my new black mollies 7 hours ago. I got my water tested everything was fine. I let the fish bag adjust tempature before putting the fish in the tank. I come back 6 hours later after putting them in and I notice one of the black mollies is dead. When I put the fish in I noticed this specific fish acting weird only going to the top of the water(not gasping at the top though) and not wanting to eat. When I took the dead molly out to examine its eyes and body I noticed the part on top of his mouth is like cut open. I found this to be really weird. Can anyone tell me what happened and how to prevent the other fish from dying?
It sounds to me more like an injury than an illness. Maybe it got already hurt at the store. In case of an injury, I wouldn't be worried about the others.

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