Black Mollies


Fish Fanatic
Nov 21, 2003
Reaction score
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
I first bought 2 black mollies 4-6 months ago and the female got really fat, then got really really skinny, and died, I assume she had babies and died, the only prob was that i never found any babies.
I got another one about 3 months ago and she has not given birth once!!!

Do you think i have a sterile male??
Not Neccisaraly, it could be that they (I knwo this sounds corny) don't like each other, They won't breed if they are not attracted to each other. And about the first one that died, she could have not had babies but have had internal problems....
This may sound goofy, but sometimes the livebearers can appear to be pregnant, being really fat, and turns out they just have to "poop". *grin*

I've never been able to catch my mollie "mamas" before they have babies, so stopped trying to catch them beforehand.

Mollies are particular about breeding. The male might not have been interested in her, you'd have seen him chasing her almost constantly if he was. Also, their water has to be within certain qualities for them to breed. My temps are about 82 F, lots of plants, and believe it or not, the more heavily populated your tank is, the more the mollies will breed.

Be sure to provide lots of hiding places, if you want to stimulate breeding up the temp a little bit, and have two or three females for every male. Good luck!
He chases her constantly, my tank is planted, and conditions are perfect but she has never shown sighns of pregnancy and has never had babies.EVER!!!!!!!!

i know it's weird :alien:
I have 6 female and 1 male mollies and i think he has been with everyone exept one that has a funny tail, u guys think thats just not his style? :shifty:

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