Black Lancer


Fish Crazy
Feb 1, 2004
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Hi everybody, I got a Black Lancer (at last)
I ordered it from Tri-mar on Wednesday and getting ready for school on Thursday it was at my door at 7:15! It was very stressed and cold but it had been through a lot. I put it in the tank after an hour and was late for school and then came home he was pitch black. Not as nice looking when young but when older they look awesome. Check them out on Planet Catfish. Just had to share.
(CFC, I posted it here so you read it as I remember when I asked you about your LFS having them in and mine only seeing one in three years! Just wanted to tell you)
Nice fish mate, just remember to feed it after lights out and it should do fine.

Moved to catfish cradle.
I feed most of my fish at night, BGK, Common Plec, Eel etc.
HI Perky

Congrats on the new fish !!!

I will go to Cradle Catfish and take a look at it


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