Black Kuhlii Loach info


New Member
Oct 30, 2004
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I have a 10 gal

with a cory cat
3 silver tip tetras

and 2 Black Kuhlii Loach about 2 inches

and I'm tring to breed those baby snails (the tiny one that comes on plants )

so i feed them to my puffer

will the Black Kuhlii Loach eat them ?

If will ! i can move them to a 30 gal with guppies. mollies and an nice shark

how big they get ?
I'm not sure if Kuhli loaches eat snails or not. Good questions. Perhaps the Loaches Online site will have some information on that for you (if no one else here does) - Loaches Online.

Regarding the other residents of your tank, I noticed you only have one Cory and three Tetras. Tetras like to be in groups of at least five - it makes them feel more secure, as they're schooling fish. Corys like to be in groups of at least three or four, as well. Theyr'e very social little fishies and are much more active (i.e. fun to watch!) and happy if they have buddies. I know that may have had more, had a few die, and not had time to get more, or have some other situation like that, or that you may already know all that, but I mentioned it in case you didn't. What kind of Cory do you have? I have Panda Corys and Pepper (Paleatus) Corys and just love 'em! I also have Kuhli Loaches and enjoy them a lot too :wub:

Edit: Just re-read your post and noticed you had other questions! Are you talking about moving your Kuhli Loaches or snails to the bigger tank? The Kuhli should get along fine with the Guppies and Mollies - I'm not sure about the shark. Were you asking how big the Kuhli Loach will get? I think Black Kuhlis get to around four inches (but don't quote me on it! :p )

Welcome to TFF!

aka Married Lizard :wub:
Ya the tetras and the guppies .mollies

i got on a trade for a 3 year old piranha i got tire of feeding live fish
( i got him hooked )

all my other cory died a month ago
my 55gal got a desease

i lost about 200 worth of fish
to name feww
Snowflake EEL 14 inches
2 Rope fish 8 inch
Fire Eel 8 inch
Sun Cat 8 inch had 3 years

only fish that lived was a ciclid the green cory cat

the cory is green to said when buy small 1 inch had 1 year
it was in 30 but i put salt in for guppies and heard cory don't like the salt

Would move loaches to 30 if they don't mind some salt
I had a little tiny snail and I haven't seen it in about 4 days so I think it may have been eaten by a black khuli. :dunno:
jerryjr569 said:
the cory is green to said when buy small 1 inch had 1 year
it was in 30 but i put salt in for guppies and heard cory don't like the salt

Would move loaches to 30 if they don't mind some salt
Sorry you lost so many fish :( Not fun at all. One of the downsides to critter-keeping, unfortunately. Anyway... Loaches like salt about as much as Corys, so I wouldn't recommend putting 'em in a tank that has salt in it. Guppies don't require salt in their water, far as I know. My little Guppy is doing fine without it :)

aka Married Lizard :wub:
Cories can tolerate salt better than most people realize but the Khulis definitely are not a salt tolerant fish. If you can, you should stock up on more of the fish you have, those are all schooling fish prefering groups of 3 to 5.

I've never heard of Khulis eating snails though it might be possible with the smaller ones, I doubt they'll be able to put a dent in the numbers of snails produced.
While khulis may have a penchant for snails, I doubt two of them could possibly keep snails in check, even in a 10g. I had three in a 29g and they certainly didn't have a noticible effect on the snail population. I'm sure you'll have plenty of snails to feed your puffers in no time!

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