Black Khuli Loaches


Fish Crazy
Mar 16, 2011
Reaction score
Essex UK
i bought 5 black khuli loaches 2 days ago and havnt seen them once? im worried they might have swum up my external filter pipe? if not and they are just hiding how can i temp them out? is it really necessary to feed them at night or will day time feeding make them come out? i have a 30 gallon planted sand and gravel tank with two pieces of drift wood. all peaceful fish in there too (tetras, corys, raspboras...)
they love to bury themselves in sand, that is the most likely place they will be, especially since they have been recently introduced and are still getting used to their new surroundings.
It can definitely take some time before they feel safe enough to come out of hiding! The more comfortable they are, the more likely you are to see them. I see mine quite often during the day, but they always come out when I feed them shortly after turning off the tank light.
have kept khulis for over 8 yrs, and although it sounds daft the more hidey holes they have the more you will see them. they love pipes and caves - great little fish

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