Black hair algae

little devil

New Member
Feb 2, 2004
Reaction score
Yorkshire England

I've got a 98lt tank which as black hair algae on the edges of plants, i have uped my water changes to twice a week cut down the light to 6-8 hours and useing rowaphos in the fillter but it's still there and getting worse, what else should i be

...little devil :dunno:
Depending on what inhabitants and water parameters you have, you might considering getting either a few Algae Eating Shrimp (Caridina japonica) or Siamese Algae Eaters (Crossocheilus siamensis). They're about the only aquarium inhabitants that will touch what you have.

In the end though, you should take a look at what is causing the algae in the first place. Are you overfeeding? Is the lighting too high for the number of plants you have? Do you do waterchanges often?

Hope this gets you started in the right direction! :thumbs:
that stuff is nasty once you get it in the tank. it survives a lot of punishment.

some plecos will eat it, and I know a friend whose red tailed black shark kept it in check. i don't know for sure about the rtbs, but the plecos at my lfs ate the black thread algae when they had a sudden bloom. I think flying foxes and otos will also eat it.

good luck!

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