Black Ghostknife - 40 Gallon


Fish Crazy
Jul 31, 2006
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Hey, i was wondering if a single black ghostknife can live in a planted 40 gallon??? I am asking this because in my planted tank, i have kept a black ghostknife and after two years, its suprisingly only 8 inches...i dont think it has been stunted whilst in this tank because of the dimensions of the tank compare to the fish...(36inches long, 16 inches wide, 18 inches tall)...Maybe it may have got stunted in my temporary 15 gallon where i bought him at 2-3 inches and kept him there for a few months before i got the 40 gallon??? Anyway, can the bgk be kept with cichlids like bolivian rams??? As my BGK gets along fine with an angelfish, pearl gourami and 3 tigerbarbs...
Thanks for any replies...
you COULD, potentially, but I really wouldn't. Not fair to the critter. However, I don't see why you couldn't raise on in there and then bump him up to say, a 100g when he hits around 5 or six inches. That was you have time to save up ;)

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