Black ghost questions


Sting Ray Crazy
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
Edmonton, Canada
I am soo sorry.
But this is the only place that I know I can get some real answers. I dont really trust the lfs, so I get to ask you guys....
If you look at my sig, would they be compatable with a black ghost?
I f have one before, so I know the do and the don'ts (the loser sold one to me for like $8 Cdn, he had no idea what it was). I had to get rid of him when we moved, that was about 3 years ago.
I had one with angels, and he never bothered them. The only thing that gives me concern is the Banjo.
Please anyone, what do you think?
I really want to get another one! :wub:
The 12 tetras would all be food for a BGK, they are nocturnal predators of smaller fish.
def no tetra sized or smaller fish...
bgk can really go with anything long as it won't fit in their mouth.
Currently mine are with sev and firemouth.But i've had them with angels,discus,gourami,betta, elephant nose,various knifefish...probably more i can't recall atm...
I seriously appreciate all the replies, but I decided to take my chances.
The lemon and the x-ray tetras are full grown, and the other tetras (now I am not really sure of what they really are along the congo tetra line, I will have to double check that) grow to be rather a large tetra, so I am really not worried about them.
I also purchased a Gold Spot Nugget to help my cause.
I am very excited about the both.
I am however worried about the RTS and the black ghost, anyone have any comments about that compatability?
Thanks again CFC and Blue Ice!
If RTS is signifying a Red Tailed Black Shark you have no drama's from my experience. I have 2 BGK's in with 2 Red Tailed Black Sharks and I have no drama's. 1 BGK is the same size as the RTBS's and 1 BGK is quite a bit larger. Hope this helps.
Thanks Bryce, it does look like they have settled it out
The Black ghost has taken residence on one side of the tank and rts has taken the other side.
The black ghost is a little larger and I have seen pice of Blue Ice's eating Black ghost, so I am not so worried now.
Thanks again!
I love him, and he has hiden himself so good, we never see him :/
Gotta love those nocturnals :wub: :S
I was going to make a catfish tank with low lighting etc. However now if I get the time, money and chance I will go for a nocturnal tank instead with a bucketload of different catfish, BGK's and other nocturnal fish. Here's to dreaming.
:whistle: Yeah, here is too dreaming :drink:
If you ever do achieve that dream, I would invest in some night vision goggles!
I agree with Final Dynazty

For my birthday today, I got as a gift from my brother a new and completely updated and revised book "Aquarium Fishes of the World." It says:

"The Black Ghost is different from other knifefishes; it is a completely peaceful fish and will not disturb others. What's more, it can be tamed and accustomed to taking food directly from the hand of its owner, like some of the larger cichlids." It also says that they are "well worth the high price that is asked fro the specimens that are occasionally available."

I think you should be safe.

Man oh man oh man, I want one of those things, though!!! They are sooo awesome... if only I had more space *sigh*
and a lot of Lfs jack up the price for them. we sell em for 17.99 american. i have seen them go for over 25 $
I had to get ride of my RTS cause he was so bad he would attack my ghost while the ghost was eating!
He went to a good home though, with oscars.....
Darn nasty fish :-(
I'm not familiar with gallon as to size of tank like I use. If it's a 4ftx2ftx2ft or similar and bigger there should be no drama's with 2 BGK's. Buy them together from the same tank in the lfs and things should be fine. Although I have a 28cm BGK and a 15cm BGK in together in an 8ftx2ftx2.5ft tank and there is no drama's with them, they were introduced at different times and not together. They live together behind some rocks with 6 Clown Loaches and 2 Asian Bumble Bee Catfish. However don't take this as gospel as experiences vastly differ and really comes down to 1's own experiences. However I will always keep more than 1 in any tank that I have. Hope this helps.

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