Black Ghost Knives


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
State of Fear
I am interested in getting a ghost knife. Before I do anything, however, I would like to know how much space they need (I have a 50g--would that be enough?), any useful care tips, and what--if any--tankmates would be good for them (I hear that, unlike other knives, these are peaceful)?

In any case, I'm looking for something to put in my 50g. If I can't get a ghost, I might get a Dragon goby. Or maybe I'll just set it up as a terrarium and get a few lizards. I heard that dart frogs are really cool, too...
Yep, they can be kept with anything large enough that it cannot be eaten-- I keep mine (he's a 7 incher) with 4 silver dollars, 4 glass cats, 3 senegal bichirs, 6 peppered cories, and 2 dojos, however, be very careful with smaller tankmates, as BGK's mouths are deceivingly large. As for your tank, it'll outgrow it eventually, and they grow very slowly, but can and will grow to two feet in lenght. The BROWN ghost, however, only gets to 10 inches, and would probably be a better choice in the long run. They look just like BGKs, but, of course, they're brown (and have a slightly more slender head). If you don't like the idea of a 2 foot long knife, and brown ghost dosn't sound too apealling, Try a brackish setup with mudskippers and that dragon goby!
you wont regret buying a BGK.
they so much fun to watch at night so i wold say one thing you will want/need is a moonlight.

edit: let us knowwhey you get it!
I also hear that BGK's are also really smart, too. It says in my new fish book (fully updated version by about a dozen ichthyologists) that "it can be tamed and accustomed to taking food directly from the hand of its owner, like some of the larger cichlids. In a fish as large as Apteronotus, this can be a very impressive sight. This, coupled with the fish's very prepossessing appearance, makes the Black Ghost a distinctive attraction, well worth the high price that is asked for the specimens that are occasionally available."

SOOOO....I'm thinking about it--not sure yet that I WILL get it...
Yeah, I've the 20 year old version of that book, it's the one by Axelrod and Burgess, right? Anyway, yeah, mine ate bloodworms right from my hand two hours after I put him in the tank. I think that they are pretty smart, because he hides in his castle all day, but around 10 he comes out and swims about the tank looking for food, and right when I stick my hand in he, jets up to the surface to gobble up the bloodworms and mysis shrimp.
Yeah, I've the 20 year old version of that book, it's the one by Axelrod and Burgess, right? Anyway, yeah, mine ate bloodworms right from my hand two hours after I put him in the tank. I think that they are pretty smart, because he hides in his castle all day, but around 10 he comes out and swims about the tank looking for food, and right when I stick my hand in he, jets up to the surface to gobble up the bloodworms and mysis shrimp.

mine did teh same thing. a fue hours after i got back with him i fed him freezdried bloodworm from my hand. some people say thay cant feel his electricity but im shure i feel it when hes examining his food. it feels like a small ammount of presure on your finger tips then he strikes teh food......
BGKs are amazing fish and there well worth the price.

i paid $20USD for him but i saw a full grown adult for $90USD. the funny part is he was at petsmart!? i coldnt beleve it ! i never buy fish from them but i coldnt help it. they where so helthy and i knew they where there for over a week so i went ahed and got him.

anyone know if this fish is sesonal in the states?? cuz i didnt see any all summer and now ive been seeing babies all over.
Youre 50gallon will be a fine tank for him for a good while. They are so cool to watch swimming around. Have some sort of cave for him to hide in during the day. I have mine setup so I can see into his cave just a bit during the day.

Awesome fish. I felt like I had to have one after reading so many people saying it was their favorite fish of all times.
Ok. That's it. I have got to get me a ghost knife.

Except... what I am gonna do wif my widdle lizzie? :-( He's currently residing in my fifty, but I can't have another cage for him--a fifty is already pushing it!

The dilemma continues...
You just have to realize they can grow to 17 inch. I have mine for a year and is already 9 inch. I have also tamed him to eat from my havd it is really kool.
djdotnet said:
some people say thay cant feel his electricity but im shure i feel it when hes examining his food. it feels like a small ammount of presure on your finger tips then he strikes teh food......
BGKs are amazing fish and there well worth the price.
Yeah, I can also feel the slight pressure and a slight tingly-feeling when I feed mine. I think that they may be somewhat seasonal, they're somewhat hard to find here in the spring and summer, but easier in the fall and winter (which dosn't make a whole lot of sense, because if memory serves, the rainy season where they occur naturally is during fall and winter here... :/ )
They do indeed, like I said, get large, up to 2 feet.
we always have Bgk. A lot of Lfs try tojack up the price. Ours are 14.99$ sometimes 16.99$. I've seen them go for thirty. which is a rip.

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