Black Ghost Knifefish And Water Hardness

Richie Hell

Fish Fanatic
Aug 30, 2006
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For anyone with experience...

How sensitive are Black Ghost Knifefish when it comes to water hardness (general hardness)? Do they tolerate a wide range of water hardness, and do they do well when kept in harder water?

For anyone with experience...

How sensitive are Black Ghost Knifefish when it comes to water hardness (general hardness)? Do they tolerate a wide range of water hardness, and do they do well when kept in harder water?


I have one in very hard water and he's doing fine. He grew from 2-3" to about 11-12" in a single year so make sure you have a decent sized tank for him.

I'm planning on spashing out on a big tank when I move house in the summer.

Water round here is very hard though, so while I may dilute with RO water, wanted to make sure it's not going to kill anyone!
I've only kept one BGK and my water in my area is pretty hard, i have water softener but it doesn't lower the Genarl hardness too much and my BGK thrived... Most fish are able to adapt to hard water, so long as it's not to an extreme... what's the GH of your water currently?

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