black ghost, knife?


New Member
Apr 8, 2005
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I purchased a black ghost, i was wondering if anyone could give me any information on them. I have had fish off and on for many years, but i am not familiar with this one at all, other than they are not agressive, if someone could direct me to a site or give some info, i would really appreciate it. Thanks
hi there i currently own a black ghost knife and he is great witht he fish that i have with him!! As you may allready know these fish are blind and relie on their electrical organ to direct them! Also they are most active on a nite.
hops this helps any
As a one time owner of 3 BGK's, I can tell you that they are 97% docile fish, on occassion they may take a nip or 2 at fish that seem to irritate them. My current BGK is in a 55gal with 2 male congo tetras (Looking for 2 females and 2 more males) and they get along as long as the tetras stay away from "it's" favorite spot to hang out. I recomend trying to get "it" to eat from your hand (feeze dried tube worms work for this) they will give your finger a nip but that is because they are 95% blind and get confused. Your BGK will do well as long as you keep your tank around 76 degrees F and watch your NO3 and NO4 levels.

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