Black Ghost Knife


Jul 7, 2004
Reaction score
Manchester UK
Well helllo!!

I got my much needed Black Ghost the other day and he seems to be doin great!!!
He loves his blood worms and hunts them down in no time at all so he's eating well at the moment.

As usual there is a lot of conflicting info on the web reguardind the upkeep of this fish and it has left me alittle confused!

At the moment my tank water conditions are...

Temp 24-25c
PH 7
Amonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
GH <3
KH 6

I was also wondering just how much to feed him? He is about 5-6 inches long and only likes his bloodworms at the moment.

Any other tips are welcome!!

Cheers guys. :D
Check out my Fish Index Black Ghost Knife review here,

As for your questions,

I was also wondering just how much to feed him? He is about 5-6 inches long and only likes his bloodworms at the moment.

I simply give all my fish about 4 bloodworm cubes a day, but i give my bgk at least half a cube for him daily. They'll eat a lot more in later years though. If you have any specific questions wanting answers just post. B)
Ahhhhhh! Dammit!!!

I'll just have 2 buy a fast growing fish!!!

Any trouble gonna happen between my bulldog plec and the ghost? They seem fine at the mo!!!
I love knifefish i have two. Here is a tip: Try to feed yor knife by hand because then you know how much food he is getting this will help him grow 2 a decent size (mines 20cm)

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