Black Ghost Knife

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Dec 29, 2012
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Hello everyone, I have a 55 gallon tank with an 8 inch black ghost knife. He's always been super healthy, but recently he has begun to lay down on the ground on his side a lot; I know that's how BGK's rest, but he does it all the time now, and in the light too. I have a log, a hollow tree-like structure, and also a clear-through pipe for him to hide in. I'm just worried because when I am feeding, he is not as active as he used to be. I've also noticed small, about 5mm wounds, that appear to be bite marks. His two fins also seem a little bitten and he is breathing hard. I think this may have happened due to my clown loaches, but I've never seen them harass him when I am there. Neither one of my two loaches exceed 3-4 inches nor do they show aggressive behaviour; they're always so playful together. I placed chlorine remover because it's also supposed to help fish rebuild slime coatings; the protective barrier of BGKs. I have another 20 gallon tank that only holds one fish at the moment, and I could quarantine my BGK in there if I need to. Really, my questions are is this behaviour normal/should I be worried? And my other one is, I have medicine that's supposed to treat fin rot and heavy breathing, should I use it? I know BGK's are sensitive fish, so I don't want to use it unless it's needed. Should I quarantine him in the 20 gallon tank? Thank you for the help. By the way I've had him for about a year and a half or so.


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Initially you should test your tank for ammonia and nitrite, if either of these are present then that could be the reason. It is also possible that the wounds on him have become infected. A picture would be helpful.
The main problem here though is that a 55 is simply too small to house one of these long term so you should be looking into either getting rid of him or upgrading the tank size.
I'll try to get a photo soon. And do you think I should put him in the 20 and put medicine then? I just don't know whether I should because they are such sensitive fish. Also, I will be getting a bigger tank once all my fish have grown a little more.
I have no experience with BGKs so I can only offer general advice, I'd wait for someone more knowledgeable to comment before adding medication. 
Ok one do you know the stats of the water I.e. Ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates.

The last time I tried to treat my BGK he had some bad cuts and fin rot as well, due to some decor I had in there, he was gasping and looking terrible after meds so I put in carbon and did a large water change. He didn't like it at all.

Another problem is your tank is too small for the BGK or the clown loaches.

Clown loaches need a 150 gallon min and 6 clown loaches because they are social.

My BGK now that he's about 12" lays down constantly and I've taken it as completely normal for adults.

However mine acts and eats completely normal as well, and he's in a 75 gallon, which I will be upgrading soon.

The best thing to do is remove all sharp decor and make sure the water is pristine.

But I would look into upgrading your tank or revoking your BGK and 2 clown loaches.
Alright thank you, as I mentioned above, I will be upgrading once they've all grown a bit more. So you don't think quarantining him and medicating him is a good idea? The only thing I have to check water is a liquid ammonia tester, and it's fine. My pH however may be the problem. For the first time it's quite acidic (5.5-6) on the pH scale. Maybe that's the problem. I will definitely remove the tree structure since it could be the problem although it's not quite sharp and do a 30% water change. And you don't think the loaches are biting him?  Please let me know soon, thank you.
The pH may be the problem but I don't think pH cause those sorts of problems, what's your normal pH?

I don't think the clown loaches are doing anything to your BGK, is that all that's in the tank?

I'd do a 50-75% water change to be on the safe side.
The 20 gallon may just cause more unwanted stress, and that added with medication isn't very good, I'd just try to keep the water very clean, as a predator BGK can go long periods of time without food so I wouldn't worry to much about food yet.
Well I have other fish in the tank, but none that would do anything.. I have 7 cardinal tetras, an Angel that hasn't bugged any fish and 4 roseline sharks. Also a pictus catfish that's very small. So you think my best bet is to just try to make the water better, etc? Maybe I'll try to hand feed him to see if he'll eat when it's closer to him. My normal pH is 6.5-7.5 I believe.
Yea I'd try hand feeding, but yea my BGK healed up from just clean water.
Okay thanks a bunch, I'm just about to go feed, I'll let you know whether he eats or not. I will perform a water change tomorrow, first thing. Have a good easter :)
What's your water change schedule?
Can you get a picture of his wound(s)?
I used to only do a major clean once a month, but I changed it to doing a water change weekly and then a major clean every two weeks (First week water change, second week major clean, third week water change, fourth week major clean). And I will post one later if I can. I just changed the water, added extra décor so he can hide more, and I'm leaving the lights off right now to make it easier on him.
What do you mean by major clean? And alrighty :) I think either the clown loach, angelfish, or pictus cat would be the culprit. I hope he gets better soon.
Major clean as in siphon the gravel, check if the filter's fine, scrub the walls if needed. That's about it.. But the thing is none of them have ever picked on my BGK, or until now if it is them. I think ich is starting to form on his wounds. Should I put ich medicine? He's just so sensitive, I'm trying so hard to help him out :p

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