Black Ghost Knife


New Member
Apr 23, 2004
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Brisbane QLD Australia
Have owned a ghost for the last 5 months and he is finally facing his first disease problem. I have taken him out of a white spot area and need to know if he can be returned to the tank with remnants of methyl blue
Hello and :hi:

I suggest you ask about you BGK in the Oddballs section of the forum. Something I do know is that the whole tank should be treted when there's an outbreak of ich. It should be treated for at least 14 days and it is beneficial for the tempature to be raised to about 82F to speed up the life cycle of the parasite.

There's a pinned topic in the beginners section as well as many individual threads.

:fish: ~Dana~ :fish:
thanx for the help but searching for links and dribbles of info is all i have done over the last 5 months. To try and locate any real info of any meaning is why i came here. Hopefully what little bits are lying around will make there way to me. My Ghost Knives mean a lot and if i can help it i dont want to use them as guinea pigs. :sad:
Sorry about the happening FK, but the BGK is a skinned fish, meaning they are very hard to cure from parasites. I have a bgk, but I tend to keep it very clean from the start. What was your nitrate readings?

P.S- I see your in Australia - same! :D
Hi friendlyknife :)

Welcome to the forum.

I'm going to move your thread to the Oddballs forum where you will get the help you need. Good luck. :D
With sensative fish like BGK's and clown loaches etc you can use the standard ICH (white spot) meds at half dosage. I gather that you have the BGK in a hospital tank? Keep the BGK separate until the fish in the main tank and the BGK both have shown no sign of ICH for 2 weeks and you have not medicated for a week.
u can try CopperSafe by Mardel. I have read many people say its safe for use on loaches on full strength. if its safe for loaches, its definetly safe for BGK.

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