Fish Crazy
OK, well I don't frequent the oddball forum too often, but I have a few questions for you all because of a series of fortunate events.
Well I work in a pet store and have for some time, I mainly help to look after the fish and quite often I'm the one who looks after the display tanks (cleaning, scaping, stocking, etc.). Anyway, I went in today (not to work) and saw that some kind people who were moving away gave us for free a whole bunch of large angels, assorted large cichlids and a ~12 inch Black Ghost Knife!!!
Right now the Ghost Knife is in a 4ft tank which we all know is unsuitable, so I've been given the job of clearing out a lot of the stock in our 6x2x2' display and moving him in there. Now, my main questions are:
1) What sort of scape would be best for him? I know they like to hide a lot but I've never had one this big before; right now the tank is quite heavily planted and has quite a few large rocks creating shelf-like areas in the tank. There are also a few hollow log pieces of driftwood, what should I do to make him the most comfortable but also, not hide continuously?
2) What sort of tankmates are best for a guy this size? Right now the tank has a lot of quite large gouramis, 2 large angels (not a pair), large congo tetras, clown loaches and dozens of small tetras and rainbows. I plan to move out most of the small tetras and other small fish and see how he goes, in the long term would large 'display-sized' clown loaches and silver sharks be ideal tank mates? That's what we were thinking about getting in.
3) Anything else I should know about?
Thanks for any and all help guys!
Well I work in a pet store and have for some time, I mainly help to look after the fish and quite often I'm the one who looks after the display tanks (cleaning, scaping, stocking, etc.). Anyway, I went in today (not to work) and saw that some kind people who were moving away gave us for free a whole bunch of large angels, assorted large cichlids and a ~12 inch Black Ghost Knife!!!
Right now the Ghost Knife is in a 4ft tank which we all know is unsuitable, so I've been given the job of clearing out a lot of the stock in our 6x2x2' display and moving him in there. Now, my main questions are:
1) What sort of scape would be best for him? I know they like to hide a lot but I've never had one this big before; right now the tank is quite heavily planted and has quite a few large rocks creating shelf-like areas in the tank. There are also a few hollow log pieces of driftwood, what should I do to make him the most comfortable but also, not hide continuously?
2) What sort of tankmates are best for a guy this size? Right now the tank has a lot of quite large gouramis, 2 large angels (not a pair), large congo tetras, clown loaches and dozens of small tetras and rainbows. I plan to move out most of the small tetras and other small fish and see how he goes, in the long term would large 'display-sized' clown loaches and silver sharks be ideal tank mates? That's what we were thinking about getting in.
3) Anything else I should know about?
Thanks for any and all help guys!