Black Ghost Knife


Fish Addict
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Stevenage, UK
Can the black ghost knife live with most fish or not??

My tank

Gouramis x 2 1 dwarf
5 golden barbs
5 neon tetras
1 molly
1 angel
2 rainbow fish
3 clown loaches
2 plecos
2 black skirt tetras

I'm looking at rehoming the tetras and barbs soon.

Would these be compatibale with my other fish. I'm also looking at getting some marble hatchets maybe.
I bought a black knife fish before coz he was lovely but shortly after he started wiping out my smaller fish population i rang up the shop and was told he should never have sold to me with tetras guppies etc and took him back!

Also have you had any problems with your black skirt tetras? Mine are all bullies to the mollies and guppies!
Well, Im not an expert, But I tried keeping a black ghost knife once. Theyre amazing fish, and it seemed to be pretty peaceful towards the other fish I had(ive been told that theyre meaner when theyre older. mine was fairly young), but it didn't seem to get along with Tiger Barbs. I think that the Tiger Barbs were the cause of its death. Different fish act differently, mine didn't get along with tiger barbs, but It might be okay with the fish you have. I think that that would mainly depend on how big that the tank is. Normally if you look around on the internet, you can find some pretty helpful info. Good luck
I bought a black knife fish before coz he was lovely but shortly after he started wiping out my smaller fish population i rang up the shop and was told he should never have sold to me with tetras guppies etc and took him back!

Also have you had any problems with your black skirt tetras? Mine are all bullies to the mollies and guppies!
Can't say i've had many problems, mainly swin around the middle of the thank. /they look pretty peacefull.

Regarding black knife, my tank size is 120 x 40.5 x 70.5 (cm). Would this be an adequate size. I think it would be.

Edit: Not sure now about tank size, tey can grow to 50cm!!!
it'd depend on the size of your ghost, aswell as your other fishes. your ghost can and will eat any fish that can fit into its mouth. they hunt at night when most fishes are sleeping. so fast moving fishes are also at risk.

regarding the tiger barbs as mentioned somewhere here. i think the ghost died due to other problems.
The largest BGK ive seen was over 26" in length. Keep that in mind with regards to tank size required to house one. Also remember that they are out and out predators so will eat absolutely anything that will fit in their mouthes.
thanks for the advice.

Just got one from maidenhead aquatics. I'll keep an eye on it for a while with regards to the tankmates. I'll be getting a bigger tank in time so the size is'nt a problem.
I've had my BGK now for about 2 years. It is in with a school Red Eye Tetra and found that the BGK does chase them around sometimes especialy at night when lights out. So I got some plants to flaot on top of the water. When the BGK comes out into the open the smaller fish just swim up and hide in the plants and the BGK can't get to them, it works out great.
you'd be surprised how big their mouths can be for thier size, i had a 3-4" one, and it was eating neons and guppies :blink:
Does anyone put a tube in their tank for the BGK to hide in, i've read on a couple of sites that you should put a tube in for it to hide. I've got a few plants and some large bogwood with caves in, would this be sufficient??
Black ABS piping works well if you can stand the looks of it. I personaly have a hollowed out piece of wood for it to hide in.
I've got bogwood/driftwood (loads of caves in them) and some plants with loads of stems coming from it, would this be enough.
As long as the tank is suitable for a 20+ inch fish then yes. You have to think long term for these predators, what are you going to do with all the little fish when you get the BGK...rehome them or leave them for food?
I've already rehomed my neons, gonna rehome my barbs. Then see where to go from there

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