New Member
i was wondering if a ghost knife would do well in my tank and if i upgrade to a bigger one. i currently have a 55 US gal tank. i know this is too small as they need a tank with a 2 foot depth. i have plans to upgrade to a large tank in the future possibly a 120 US gal. (i work for a pet supply distributor ) i've read somewhere that they grow slowly. if this is true how long would he do well in a tank that has a 13 inch depth? most fish stores by me sell them about 5-6 inches long. just wondering if anybody knew how long it would take one to grow 4 or 5 more inches. oh yeah, my water is slightly brackish (for my puffers and scat) it has about 1.5 table spoons of salt per 5 gallons. my tank has a small gravel substrate, lots of plants, some driftwood (for plecs), and 2 caves (one is owned by the pim pictus )
thanks a lot,
4 platys, 4 mollies, 4 red fin columbians, 2 congo tetras, 2 green spotted puffers, 1 green scat, 1 african butterfly fish, 1 pim pictus, 1 bristlenose plec, 1 albino bristlenose plec, 1 horsefaced loach
thanks a lot,
4 platys, 4 mollies, 4 red fin columbians, 2 congo tetras, 2 green spotted puffers, 1 green scat, 1 african butterfly fish, 1 pim pictus, 1 bristlenose plec, 1 albino bristlenose plec, 1 horsefaced loach