Black Ghost Knife Or Brown Ghost Knife?


Fish Addict
Oct 25, 2010
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I know the BGK is much more common but does anyone know of a Brown GHOST knife? (NOT AN AFRICAN BROWN KNIFE FISH!) Ive seen both at my LFS and would really like to incorporate a knife fish into my possible new to come tank. I was told the Brown ghost knife gets about half the length of a black ghost knife. Also what tank size would i be looking at in terms of keeping a Black ghost knife? Ive seen recommendations of a 55 gallon but that seems small as the animal gets 20" and the standard 55 gallon is only 18" wide....

Ps i was told that the brown ghost knife only grows to about 8-10" making it a better candidate for a 55 gallon?

Thanks for any info you can pass on!
I know the BGK is much more common but does anyone know of a Brown GHOST knife? (NOT AN AFRICAN BROWN KNIFE FISH!) Ive seen both at my LFS and would really like to incorporate a knife fish into my possible new to come tank. I was told the Brown ghost knife gets about half the length of a black ghost knife. Also what tank size would i be looking at in terms of keeping a Black ghost knife? Ive seen recommendations of a 55 gallon but that seems small as the animal gets 20" and the standard 55 gallon is only 18" wide....

Ps i was told that the brown ghost knife only grows to about 8-10" making it a better candidate for a 55 gallon?

Thanks for any info you can pass on!

They are smaller and have the same requirements as a BGK but even at 10 inches, that's still too large of a fish to put in a 55 gallon tank IMO. BGK needs 200 gallon+ IMO.
I know the BGK is much more common but does anyone know of a Brown GHOST knife? (NOT AN AFRICAN BROWN KNIFE FISH!) Ive seen both at my LFS and would really like to incorporate a knife fish into my possible new to come tank. I was told the Brown ghost knife gets about half the length of a black ghost knife. Also what tank size would i be looking at in terms of keeping a Black ghost knife? Ive seen recommendations of a 55 gallon but that seems small as the animal gets 20" and the standard 55 gallon is only 18" wide....

Ps i was told that the brown ghost knife only grows to about 8-10" making it a better candidate for a 55 gallon?

Thanks for any info you can pass on!

They are smaller and have the same requirements as a BGK but even at 10 inches, that's still too large of a fish to put in a 55 gallon tank IMO. BGK needs 200 gallon+ IMO.

Yep Black ghost knife is out of the picture (was trying to convince my parents to get a big enough tank for one...but that soon eneded lol) I read on multiple sources that the brown ghost knife rarely gets to be fully 10" although i know its possible.. but these sources also said that a 55 gallon was suitable for a brown ghost knife..
If you trust the sources I guess, but I like to go on personal instincts as well and instincts tell me that 55g isn't big enough. Of coarse, it's up to you and you have to go with what feels right to you. I love the BGK, it's too bad they don't stay small. I love seeing the young ones lock jaws! Very interesting fish!

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