Black Ghost Knife (New And Improved!)


New Member
Aug 27, 2012
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ok so i had planned on getting a 90 gallon tank and sticking a BGK with some tropicals, wasn't enough room. currently i'm getting a 125 gallon tank setup, Soo i rehomed some fish and now i think i can fit the BGK in (Hopefully) So i'm planning the 125 (Haven't Got it yet) Currently in my 55 i have, 1 Electric blue crayfish, 6 mollies, 3 platies, 5 tiger barbs, 5 giant danios, 1 stick catfish, 1 bushynose pleco, 2 Australian rainbows, 4 glass catffish and 5 ghost shrimp. I want to know if i can Put a BGK in the 125 with the fish i have listed? Or should i stick some more tropicals in the 125?
ok so i had planned on getting a 90 gallon tank and sticking a BGK with some tropicals, wasn't enough room. currently i'm getting a 125 gallon tank setup, Soo i rehomed some fish and now i think i can fit the BGK in (Hopefully) So i'm planning the 125 (Haven't Got it yet) Currently in my 55 i have, 1 Electric blue crayfish, 6 mollies, 3 platies, 5 tiger barbs, 5 giant danios, 1 stick catfish, 1 bushynose pleco, 2 Australian rainbows, 4 glass catffish and 5 ghost shrimp. I want to know if i can Put a BGK in the 125 with the fish i have listed? Or should i stick some more tropicals in the 125?

The crayfish I would say is a no. I have a feeling he might want a "fin" snack when your BGK is hiding during the day. The ghost shrimp, mollies, and platies might be eaten once it gets bigger. I would definitely suggest upping the number of Ghost Cats. I'd say 7 is the minimum to keep them happy and healthy. I'm not sure about the rest of the fish as I've never kept the catfish/rainbows/danios/tiger barbs(although I've heard they nip A LOT!).

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