Black Ghost Knife Fish And Birchir?


Fish Crazy
Nov 4, 2006
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My frend is makeing room in his fish house for a 300 gallon saltwater tank and he offerd me a cycled 35 gallon with stand heater lights filter, he had to move out five tanks to different places in his house, and get rid of a 30 gallon just to fit this thing in his fish room.

so right now its just sitting in my room with a little tigger barb that was I found in the filter, how he survived and how long hes been in there I'm not quite sure, and there is red gravel and a some floating mossy looking stuff not sure what that is ether.

I was wondering could I take my sengal bichir and put him in there? do you think a black ghost knife would be ok in a 35 gallon (W) a birhir, If not I'm just going to keep the birchir in there by himself.

If I cant have a bgk, I'll put my moonlight gourami in there (probably)
the first question is, will the bichir be okay?

The tank should be 3 feet long by 1 foot to suit him.

then, Black ghost knives need 80 gallons +, so that answer is no.

sorry ^_^. I'd consider a shaol of tiger barbs and a shoal of albino tiger barbs. that'd be cool. And then maybe some odd bottom dweller.
the first question is, will the bichir be okay?

The tank should be 3 feet long by 1 foot to suit him.

then, Black ghost knives need 80 gallons +, so that answer is no.

sorry ^_^. I'd consider a shaol of tiger barbs and a shoal of albino tiger barbs. that'd be cool. And then maybe some odd bottom dweller.

the tank is 3.5x1

yeah thats what my gut told me too.

say wouldnt the birchir eat the tiger barbs? unless the barbs were to fast, but what about durring the night?

the bright red gravel sorta looks makes the tank look like a lava hot spring or something.
so I wan't to sort of have a weird looking theme with some skulz or a sleleton and some realy strange looking fish.

right now my birchir is best friends with my weather loach its so funny, they curl up together under the drift wood.

or what about this combo, 2 birchirs (since I think mine acts socail but I'm not 100% sure) + a school of glass tetra's?

any sudgestions would be good

I think people are going to think i'm crazy since I have 3 tanks in my room x_X
yeah a definate no no on the BGK sadly, lovely fish :/

Bichirs don't get along with each other very well. Supposedly, you'd begin having problems, social or not.

I personally think if you went with full grown barbs, you'd have no problem at all.
Glass tetra... correct me if I'm wrong, but they're too small, unless you mean Glass cats, which are fragile and wouldn't be a good mix with tiger barbs.

I personally would give the tiger barb back to a LFS if you want more options.

Bichirs don't get along with each other very well. Supposedly, you'd begin having problems, social or not.

I personally think if you went with full grown barbs, you'd have no problem at all.
Glass tetra... correct me if I'm wrong, but they're too small, unless you mean Glass cats, which are fragile and wouldn't be a good mix with tiger barbs.

I personally would give the tiger barb back to a LFS if you want more options.

realy? birchirs don't get along with birchirs... huh johns never had any problems with them, well anywais no I was talking about glass tetra's, ok so what about ghost catfish? they are realy small and skinny I thought, they would be awsome but wouldnt my sengal eat them? I could move my weather loach into the 30 gallon two but hes not the right color for the look i'm going for.


Bichirs don't get along with each other very well. Supposedly, you'd begin having problems, social or not.

I personally think if you went with full grown barbs, you'd have no problem at all.
Glass tetra... correct me if I'm wrong, but they're too small, unless you mean Glass cats, which are fragile and wouldn't be a good mix with tiger barbs.

I personally would give the tiger barb back to a LFS if you want more options.

realy? birchirs don't get along with birchirs... huh johns never had any problems with them, well anywais no I was talking about glass tetra's, ok so what about ghost catfish? they are realy small and skinny I thought, they would be awsome but wouldnt my sengal eat them? I could move my weather loach into the 30 gallon two but hes not the right color for the look i'm going for.

well I could give the barb to the petstore, and also my pet store dosn't sell full grown anything there barbs are small.

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