Black fin shark


May 19, 2004
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We noticed one of our 3 looking slighty lighter then the other 2. Is that cuz it a she? It acts fine. We noticed yesterday. Eats everything. We recently added 2 red claw crabs. I know they don't bother the fish really. They just hide all day. Anyone who knows anything please help!!!
yup your right it is the same fish that gets huge..... as far as the turning lighter sometimes in different light they have a shimmy to them is this what you are experiencing?
I've no idea what you are talking about when you say shimmy. 1 of the 3 appears lighter when compaired to the other 2. I bought all 3 at the same time and I don't remember if it was lighter, but don't think so. I did bring it from a walmart that probably didn't have salt in it into a brackish type environment. sg 1.000. Shortly after I got them 1 got white stuff on it's eye that went away when I increased the salt. Any help is much appreciated.
Now this is only coming from what i've read about black finned sharks get really big and grow quite fast.....these are fish that need huge tanks...and im guessin that 1 will outgrow a 55gal pretty fast....3 even faster big are they right now?....are they in with any other fish?....need some details :D
I did bring it from a walmart that probably didn't have salt in it into a brackish type environment. sg 1.000.

A SG of 1.000 is not brackish, 1.000 is the SG of normal city tapwater, i have to add 20 ounces of salt just to make 12.5 us gallons of brackish water with a SG of 1.005.
Thanx for sticking with me through this. :p Sorry, forgot to calculate for the temp increased. It's actually about 1.0036. They're young still, only about 2". Should I increase the salt? As a foot note, guppies had trouble adjusting to the salinity increase.
Here's an update for the few who replied. He/she is doing fine now. Color matches with the rest of them. All I did was raise the sg to 1.004.

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