Black Females Infertile?

I asked Watt, a breeder friend in Thailand, and he said that black copper is not infertile, just black melano.

And a black copper is...a black copper? hah I'm not sure how to explain. Sort of like a black orchid, only instead of blue, it's copper. Does that make sense?
BrookeLea...I actually had the same question about a week ago...and email Jim about it and got a reply back stating (or at least from my understanding) that it is indeed just the melano females that are infertile...but that struck some other questions in my head if girls that just carry the jean...are they still infertile or marbled melano? I dunno about those but its quite interesting I think and am looking for more information on it :)
SRC said:
The melanophores from melanos grow very differently from that seen in black lace and wild type. They pile up and are very sticky, which is why they produce such a dense black. If you were to look closely at a melano, you would notice that they have a lot of speckling throughout their fins that that make them look so dark. These are 'balls' of melanophores. Preliminary studies have shown that these melanophores have extra adhesion proteins. One hypothesis is that these proteins are also responsible for female infertility. Melano females will produce eggs during the act of spawning like a normal female, but something happens during the hatching process that causes the fertilized egg to rupture.

Very recently, top breeder and exhibitor Connie Emery has been working crosses of Black Lace and Melano black and producing what she calls 'Double Black' - a more intense black with fertile females.

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