Black Crowntail Betta


Aug 6, 2004
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This may be one of those fish tales you hear the old men talk about after a day of fishing, but this, this is one that i think blows them outta the water.
Yesterday i went to Wal-Mart in San Antonio County (CA) and after finding mesh for the divided tank i was planning to set up i decided (against my will :rolleyes: ) to take a gander at the betta section. After looking at the normal marble, red, blue VTs i spot this little guy flaring like crazy, turns out he was black with some siler/metallic blue highlights on his fins!!!! GAH! How in the world, where did he come from i do not know, of course i jump on him (MINE!) and another pretty black butterfly as a birthday present for my setpsis. This was totaly unexpected, i mean, it was Wal-Mart, the notorious neglector of fish. None the less, all bettas and freshwaters were in extremely well condition. Well after the ride home, where i was smug as a bug in a rug, i quickly set him up in a temporary gallon jar and had my second looks, here's the scoop. I'm guessing this guy wasn't an accidentle miss shipped Betta, he was a cull, i know this because his gill covers flap up very much like the gill covers from the cull i adopted from Kelly. Also his fins are messy crowns, they aren't the neat double ray extensions but more a sloppy, one ray then double ray then maybe another single ray. Thus, i come to the conclusion that this perticular Wal-Mart must get 'some' of their bettas from a show breeder or just by pure accident the supplier had a good personal spawn and gave the culls to Wal-Mart for extra $$.
Anyway, i think he's very greatfull to be sharing a 10 gallon (he's divided with 3 gallons of course!) with my females. Sasha the DT has taken a BIG liking to him, barring up, tisk tisk. Too bad she won't be getting any from him anytime soon.
Thought i should share, i'll see if i can get some pictures up this weekend so you'll all believe me! :lol:
I found a Crown at PetCo a few months ago and I have a Crown female from my LFS who didn't know she was a CT. I'd breed them and sell the offspring but I don't have a large grow out tank yet to do that.
Crowns are pretty but i have way too many of them, haha. The surprise was just that he was such a pretty black/silver colour, and from a Wal-Mart. Most chain and local stores here have Crowns and one i found has DTs (my fav!) in stock on rare occasions.
I saw what appeared to be a DT today at PetCo but resisted the urge to get him. Of course later today I was in Wal-Mart to get some algae wafers and couldn't resist looking at the Bettas and ended up with a near black female. She looks almost like a female CT but it's hard to tell for sure. Occasionally Wal-Mart and other chains get exceptions that aren't VT's. Seems lately to happen a lot more often too.
I have a red crowntail, though there is only 1 petshop that has them near me. I guess it's good otherwise I'd go crazy.
Well i'm getting the pictures developed today so i'll scan them soon as they're handed to me. Sorry to keep you all waiting! :*)
walmart isn't the best place to buy fish or find nice bettas but sometimes i see some very nice ones once in a while, its also ot uncommon to find male plakats among their females ;)
You lucky duck...gees Tam, i still like my purple betta more than Jean Claude! :p
Danno said:
Is it just me or is everyone hijacking Sandusky's tread :sly:
Thank you!!!
But it's ok really, i don't mind. You'll all be goggling over Jean Claude when i scan the pictures. (Mommy is picking them up after work tommorow) :whistle: :lol:
jkun17 - There's a place called Pet Club on Norfolk St. in San Mateo that sells CTs, VTs, Mustard Gas, Plakats, and once i found a female DT. Another is Fish For You near Marina Market, that's where Sandusky came from. I'd suggest making a trip there, it's well worth it.
Mama'sChild - Great find, a long time ago i found Sandusky, he's also a CT DT, well since he's grown up that is.
This was him about oh maybe 3 months ago. :wub:


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