Black Corydoras Are Spawning Again


Fish Herder
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
yorkshire hull
what a good week iv had :hyper:
1 of my other female black corydoras are spawning now
and i collected about 300 black corydora eggs 2 days ago from another female wich will hatch some time tomorrow, then my sterbia layed eggs on the 9th wich are hatching today aswell :D
what a good week iv had :hyper:
1 of my other female black corydoras are spawning now
and i collected about 300 black corydora eggs 2 days ago from another female wich will hatch some time tomorrow, then my sterbia layed eggs on the 9th wich are hatching today aswell :D

i dont like you lol :p congrats once again m8ee :)
thxs JenCliBee :good:
im going to have to do some serious moveing about today as im going to be over run with wriglers :hyper:
thats pretty sweet man! i wish i could collect 300 eggs!!! :hyper:

thxs 'pinkdolphin_113'
iv sussed the best way to collect them now as soon as i notice there spawning i pull up all the amozon sward plants in my tank wich float on the top in the corners ,and they go up and lay the eggs on them
so its just a matter ov snaping the leaves of and transfairing them to a floating container :good:
If only you were in the US...I would love to have some little black Cory babies. Nice job!
thats pretty sweet man! i wish i could collect 300 eggs!!! :hyper:

thxs 'pinkdolphin_113'
iv sussed the best way to collect them now as soon as i notice there spawning i pull up all the amozon sward plants in my tank wich float on the top in the corners ,and they go up and lay the eggs on them
so its just a matter ov snaping the leaves of and transfairing them to a floating container :good:

lol the names pink :fun:

so what dya do? snap off some leaves of an amazon and attach them to a floating container?
and they tend to lay their eggs on the leaves?
lol the names pink :fun:

so what dya do? snap off some leaves of an amazon and attach them to a floating container?
and they tend to lay their eggs on the leaves?

i think he means just uprooting the plants and letting them float then they tend 2 lay on the leaves so then he breaks individual leaves branches off then places the branch/leaves in the floating container/trap :) much easier way 2 do imo so mite be well worth giving it a try :) will be doing it myself on the next try ..... cheers drewry m8 nice idea :)

lol the names pink :fun:

so what dya do? snap off some leaves of an amazon and attach them to a floating container?
and they tend to lay their eggs on the leaves?

i think he means just uprooting the plants and letting them float then they tend 2 lay on the leaves so then he breaks individual leaves branches off then places the branch/leaves in the floating container/trap :) much easier way 2 do imo so mite be well worth giving it a try :) will be doing it myself on the next try ..... cheers drewry m8 nice idea :)


yep thats what i meant jen
its allot easyer than messing about getting them of the glass and i get more hatching this way as you dont damadge any eggs :good:

regards dave

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