Black Cherry Shrimp?


New Member
Jan 23, 2012
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[font="arial][size="2"]I was doing a water change in my 30 gallon, and I noticed a few little black shrimp. They look like cherry shrimp. [/size][/font]
[font="arial][size="2"]I have approximately 40-50 cherry shrimp in my 30, they breed constantly. I also have about 20 ghost shrimp and 20 amano shrimp.
Now could these black shrimp be due to inbreeding or cross breeding? I've never seen black cherry shrimp before. I'm very interested in where they came from.

Thanks. ^.^[/size][/font]
excellent :)

any chance of a pic? it would be interesting to remove these to a seperate setup, and try to breed them true, you could sell them! :D
+1 I would love to see some pics of your black shrimp, they sound great.

Also if possible I would be seperating them out and seeing if you can get them to breed true. I have seen black tiger shrimp and they look a tad freaky with the bright orange eye, but the all black ones look really cool.
I have a spare 5 gallon I can use, I just need to find them. Once I do I'll put up a few pictures.
After looking for about an hour I found one. Turns out it's not black it's blue.
I tried to take a picture, however they keep coming out blurry.

I've got it in a planted 5 gallon, I'll keep an eye out for the other one.
If your using a digital camera and not just a phone/ ipad or other device you should be able to put the camera setting on Macro, then put some of the shrimps favourite food near the front of the glass and wait for them to come for a feed and snap away. I find I take quite a few pics messing around with distance of camera from glass and flash on or off and then when I upload the pics to my computer I just edit out/ delete the bad shots.


The above photo would have been taken without a flash, with the tank light on as well as the overhead lights

This photo was taken with a flash.

Also play around with the angle that you have the camera near the glass that why if using the flash you can manage to not get camera lens reflections in the picture.
Cherries can often throw up different colourations. I have a colony of BLUE's which were a result of crossing Red fem / Yellow Male.
I have Orange variations too which just popped up from one hatching.

It would be nice to see the pix though.

Some of my cherries came out lighter, even pink at times. I heard i was just due to heavy inbreeding..

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