Black betta!


Nov 27, 2003
Reaction score
I may have found a black betta today. Was in Toledo picking up a cat climber for my kitties and stopped at a pet store while everyone else went into a different store. Well, I was taking a look at the betta's and there he was!! I couldn't even believe it. I have been having wonderful luck with finding different colored males. The funny thing was, my mom and I were just talking about finding a black male earlier in the day. I think she was kinda upset that they didn't have another one for her, but Im sure we will be able to find another one. Anyway...Im just excited.
And now Carter (new black male) makes 20 betta's.
:eek: Black!! I am so jealous!!! That's absolutely awesome, I'm really excited for you. You should breed these wonderful colors of yours!! :p Anyways, congratulations, I'm sure you'll enjoy the new boy.
Oh, just make us all so envious!!! Black fish are favorites of ours too and hopefully our last spawn will produce all black bettas. In fact, I personally love black cats, dogs, horses bunnies.... There's just something sleek and elegant about black. Take good care of your new guy and with your luck, you'll find a matching fish very soon--and let us know when you do.
Hi freshwatergal :)

Congratulations! :thumbs: He must be beautiful!

I'd love to see a picture of him. :D
Oh...Ill get pics up as soon as I can. Right now I have him a mix of bettamin to hopefully kill any disease he may have, then I will start snapping away.


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